Here's what Lawrence Lessig is doing about a problem that I think, whatever our political persuasion, that we care about:

We’re kickstarting a SuperPAC big enough to make it possible to win a Congress committed to fundamental reform by 2016

If you'd like to understand the what and the why, you can click here.  But I've got a better idea, because I think their web site does a bad job of telling a good story.

Instead, start by watching Lessig's first TED talk, in which he eloquently describes the problem.

Then watch his second, in honor of Aaron Swartz, where he explains what he's going to do about it.

I know it's going to take you some time to watch these two videos. But Lessig's a master of the art of presentation, and they're worthwhile just on that basis.

I hope that first one makes you care about the issue enough to watch the second, and that the second convinces you that it's worth contributing to his effort to address the problem.

If you're convinced, then you can go to find out more, and maybe make a contribution.

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