
Showing posts from June, 2011

Live Writer: Really Annoying!

Another Rails resource

Fun acronyms

Faye, Pusher, Browser-based Editors, Real-Time Collaboration

Keyboard Cheat-sheet, Google Chrome

Research on sleep—the Great Sleep Experiment

I Love Google, Part N

Memo from Prefrontal Cortex and Staff meeting.

TPlugin, awesome

Redcar a Ruby-based editor

Spell checker/corrector

ANTLR and Ruby

Ruby Refactoring…

Tplugin–a better pathogen

How to ignore –dirty in Git Submodules with Pathogen


Whole Foods Parking Lot

Adjustable desks

John Boyd and the OODA Loop

You can’t improve what you can’t measure

How I get distracted, and how I stop it

Kickstart and Routers!

Customizing VIM (Part N)

Still Yet More VIM

Taxes…who pays them

Removing Git Submodules

More VIM

Aloha, Baby

VIM—at last

Modern Web Design

Cognitive Therapy for Insomnia

Heroku and Sinatra and HAML and SASS and DataMapper and OhMigod