Docs for Node<-Sphinx<-EasyInstall<-Python-

This started when I wanted to read some documentation for a node package, brunch,

To do that I found that I needed to get the program that generated html from the .rst document mockup. That's called Sphinx, which I found here. (

To get Sphinx I had to get EasyInstall. So here we are.

On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential

On Windows, I needed to go to pick the setuptools for my distribution from here. In my case, I downloaded:


Installing it put a log in my python27 directory. (Fortunately I had python already installed)


Reading the log gave me this:

Source: C:\Users\mwolf\Downloads\setuptools-0.6c11.win32-py2.7.exe
020 Reg DB Key: [Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall]setuptools-
040 Reg DB Value: [Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\setuptool
040 Reg DB Value: [Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\setuptool
100 Made Dir: C:\awesome\bin\python27\Scripts
200 File Copy: C:\awesome\bin\python27\Scripts\easy_install.exe.manifest
200 File Copy: C:\awesome\bin\python27\Scripts\easy_install-2.7.exe
200 File Copy: C:\awesome\bin\python27\Scripts\easy_install-2.7.exe.manifest
200 File Copy: C:\awesome\bin\python27\Scripts\easy_install.exe....... blah blah...blah....

So I ran:


From my Python directory.
That gave me a useful message. So I was back to installing sphinx.
Now where was I....
Right, Sphinx.

 tells me that I need to run this command:

 easy_install -U Sphinx  

Which does a whole lot of bumping and grinding and eventually tells me that I have it installed.


Now I go to: 

That tells me that I need to run sphinx-quickstart But where is it?

 $ find . |grep sphinx-quickstart ./Scripts/ ./Scripts/sphinx-quickstart.exe ./Scripts/sphinx-quickstart.exe.manifest

But then I discover that I don't want to do that. I've already got some docs I want to render. Instead I want:

sphinx-build -b html sourcedir builddir

In my case, I go to the scripts directory and type:

 ./sphinx-build -b html C:\Sites\node_modules\brunch\docs c:\tmp/brunch_docs
That generates a bunch of stuff 
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Launches a lovely web page with the docs I've been meaning to get.
Was that so hard?


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