Native HTML5 Drag and Drop - HTML5 Rocks
I wanted to add drag and drop to my ToDo list application, derived from this one.
I found a nice reference here: Native HTML5 Drag and Drop - HTML5 Rocks:
I had to modify the code just a bit to convert it to CoffeeScript. Here's the result.
Since I'm targeting HTML5 in good browsers (i.e. not IE) I removed some unnecessary code.
I found a nice reference here: Native HTML5 Drag and Drop - HTML5 Rocks:
I had to modify the code just a bit to convert it to CoffeeScript. Here's the result.
Since I'm targeting HTML5 in good browsers (i.e. not IE) I removed some unnecessary code.
- events:
- <snip>
- 'dragstart .todo-content': 'dragstart' #NEW FROM HERE SOUTH....
- 'dragenter .todo-content': 'dragenter'
- 'dragover .todo-content': 'dragover'
- 'dragleave .todo-content': 'dragleave'
- 'dragend .todo-content': 'dragend'
- 'drop .todo-content' : 'drop'
- <snip>
- dragstart: (e) ->
- @$el.addClass 'dragging'
- TodoView.dragSrcEl = @
- e = e.originalEvent
- if e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'
- e.dataTransfer.setData('text/html', @el.innerHTML);
- dragover: (e) ->
- e = e.originalEvent
- e.preventDefault()
- e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'
- dragenter: ->
- @$el.addClass 'over'
- dragleave: ->
- @$el.removeClass 'over'
- dragend: ->
- @$el.removeClass 'dragging'
- drop: (e) ->
- e.stopPropagation()
- # Don't do anything if dropping the same column we're dragging.
- if TodoView.dragSrcEl != @
- TodoView.dragSrcEl.el.innerHTML = this.el.innerHTML;
- e = e.originalEvent
- this.el.innerHTML = e.dataTransfer.getData('text/html');
- @$el.removeClass 'over'
- TodoView.dragSrcEl.el.removeClass 'dragging'
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