Ted Talks and Related Sites

Researching TED talks for our Weds night movie group, I found these:

David McCandless is a geek turned journalist who has a site on which he posts examples of visualizing information to make it more meaningful. His TED talk is here. His web site Information is Beautiful contains all kinds of informative graphics. One of the interesting ones Mountains out of Molehills compares press coverage of certain recurring threats with the actual threat outcomes.

Charles Leadbeater gave a talk initiatives in education in the Third Worlds. Here is his TED Talk. And here is his Home site. Leadbeater cites (among other interesting things) an NGO in India called Pratham that is reaching millions of students in India. Their goal: “Every child in school and learning well.” Closer to home he mentions Harlem Children's Zone and their founder Geoffrey Canada. He also mentions a TED talk by Sugata Mitra.

For something completely different, how about X-Ray art. Here’s a TED talk by Nick Veasey XRay Artist. And here’s Nick’s Site where you can see some of his stunning art.

Another TED talk, by iconoclast Bjorn Lomborg on how to wisely spend money to make the world a better place.

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