Kickstart and Routers!

Jim R sent me a link to Kickstarter a site that funds creative projects. What kinds of projects? Everything from documentaries to graphic art to cool inventions looking for initial funding. Here’s hexbright, a 500 lumen open source light. They wanted $31,000 to go into production and got…$102,250, with 36 days to go! Another project is Coffee Joulies—a stainless steel bean you can put in your coffee to get it to temperature sooner and keep it warm longer. Goal was $9,500. They raised $306,944!

Then the one that’s really got me going is a modular, desktop CNC machine. For $550 you can get a complete kit. For $1050, a ready to run kit, including a Bosch router. For reasons I don’t quite understand this is a dream tool. There are others like it: Probotix provides kits and full routers. Vision engraving provides everything from engraving machines to big routers.

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