Live Writer: Really Annoying!
I’m going to have to get a replacement for Live Writer. Like all Microsoft products, I love it and I hate it.
Love: it’s really made my blogging productivity zoom to new heights. Except for this week, when my production fell to new recent lows. But that’s not Live Writer’s fault.
Love: All my blogs in one place. So I can switch content to whatever blog I want to.
Love: Downloads my blogs’ stylesheets, so I can compose in each one JUST as it will appear on the screen.
Love: Jillions of fonts and faces and such like.
Love: It’s much easier to compose using Live Writer than the on-the-web editors provided with my favorite blogging software.
Love: The Zemanta integration provides me with handy links. I can get that (and sometimes better) with Zemata on the web but still….
Love: I can do thing easily (WYSIWIGGILY) in Live Writer that I can’t do easily with the on-the-web editors. Things like tables, which are especially handy for making things come out the way you want them to.
Hate: It’s a fucking Microsoft product. So of course it crashes at least once a day.
Semi-love: Even when it crashes it either lets me continue editing (I just can’t use ‘advanced features’ like posting, tagging, and so on). And if it crashes really badly it recovers my work.
Hate: It recovers my work only sometimes. Occasionally, instead of recovering the thing I was working on, it recovers something that it recovered earlier. Then I’ve got to delete that thing otherwise it keeps recovering something that I don’t want, and not recovering what I do.
Love: Switch to HTML markup mode and have all the power of HTML. Yes!
Love: Spelling correction, and so on.
Love: Easy to plug in content from the web, or from my computer.
Love: The Ctrl-K link attacher thingy knows that when I’m creating a link then PROBABLY what I have on my clipboard is what I want to put in the link. Why can’t everyone do that.
Love: Keeps track of drafts so I can remember what I was working on, and recent posts, so I can tweak what I just posted.
Hate: Sometimes forgets what I posted and leaves it in drafts.
Semi love: Plugins for special purpose (log pasting and formatting code snippets)
Love: Free.
Net: It’s a lot more love than hate. Why can’t Microsoft make something that is both good, and reliable? You’d think they could.
Related articles (Suggested by Zemanta plugin to Live Writer. Nice!)
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