TPlugin, awesome

I installed tplugin. It took a bit of screwing around because the docs were not quite up to date. I had to go to get an older install document to figure out what to do.

Instructions said:

    1. Save a local copy of the tplugin_vim repository under

       ''~/vimfiles/bundles'' (on some systems it's ''~/.vim/bundles'').

       Get it from here:

       #Verb <<

       cd ~/.vim/bundles

       git clone git://


    2. Insert the following line rather at the beginning of your

       ''vimrc'' file:

       ''runtime bundles/tplugin_vim/macros/tplugin.vim''.

What I did was different.

1. Added a line to my update_bundles.rb file:


2. Ran

ruby update_bundles

This installed the bundle.

3. Disabled pathogen by renaming the file in .vim/autoload so that it would not load.

4. Made these changes to my vimrc:

"Lines that follow removed to install  tplugin
"source ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
"call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
" call pathogen#helptags()
"now source tplugin
source ~/.vim/bundle/tplugin_vim/macros/tplugin.vim

Then reloaded gvim, ran

:TPluginScan all

Then reloaded gvim one more time (very fast)!

And then tried MRU. It was there. Fast!

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